Monday, September 04, 2006

Focus Point #5

I remind you again, the war on terrorism is a spiritual conflict and the major players are God and Satan.

Where did it all begin? Well, this will sound like science fiction or star wars to some, but believe me, it's straight from scripture. Isaiah 14:12-17 describes the fall of Satan. In this passage he's identified as "Lucifer" which means "Day Star." Imagine, a star so bright you could see it in the daytime. Pride led Lucifer to declare that his intentions were to exalt himself above God! (Note the 5 "I wills" in
verses 13 & 14) and note his future in verse 15.

Another key passage is Ezekiel 28:11-19. It's too long for me to comment on these truths, but you'll notice some vivid descriptions of Satan's at one time beauty and power (vrs. 12-15). The passage also refers to a king from Tyre, a big time king in early Bible days. But there is more in the passage about the devil than about the king. There is a principle of Bible interpretation called "double reference" where the writer, under the influence and direction of God, the Holy Spirit, would write about a human being or circumstance in a familiar place or time in history, and at the same time make reference to the Person of Christ and an event, or events, in the affairs of His Kingdom. So while Ezekiel wrote briefly of the King of Tyre, he wrote extensively of the enemy of God in the angelic conflict...Satan!

Just so you'll know where this conflict started and where it will end, take note of the three major falls of Satan:

Fall #1 - Lucifer is expelled from his exalted place in Heaven. Isa. 14:12-17.
This happened before the earth's time clock started to run, before
weeks, months and years.
Fall #2 - Rev. 12:7-12 this will occur in the middle of the 7 year Tribulation period.
Note verse 12 that says he has a short time left to vent his wrath 42 months
or 3 and a half years. This second fall means he will have no more
access to Heaven to accuse Christians before God. (Remember Job
chapter one). Yes, Satan accuses believers - even today, so keep
your nose clean!
Fall #3 - The final curtain! Rev. 20:1-10. After the 1,000 year period called the
Millennium, there are 6 references to this time period, after this rule and
reign of Christ, he, Satan, will be cast into the Lake of Fire - forever
and ever.

So, there you have the future events that will conclude the angelic conflict. Does Satan know his future? Yes! He's smarter than we are. Not only can he read the Bible, but he and his demons know more about God than we know. James 2:19 says, "The demons also believe and tremble." This is not a believing faith, it's a believing because they were once in Heaven themselves. They saw that throne. Sure, they believed and they know their future. They have eternal INSECURITY!

One more point while I'm on a roll. If Satan and his demons know their future and ultimate defeat and destination, why do they continue to oppose God and His promise to exalt His Son, the Lord Jesus? Here it is folks, here's the answer:
They can do nothing else! It's their nature, it's what and who they are. They are forever evil, the essence of hatred, sin and darkness.

And so, the battlefield is in the hearts of men and women who walk this earth. Those people of years past, those of us today and those who will be alive after we've gone. A good model for us was Joshua - "For me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Bro. Bob

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