Sunday, December 31, 2006

Focus Point # 11

We know from Job chapters one and two, that Satan has had an access to the throne of God for lo these thousands of years. We also know from two other Old Testament passages that, at one time, he was a beautiful, created angel serving closer to the throne of God than any other angel. But then pride took its toll and Lucifer, the "angel of light" was cast out of Heaven, along with other angelic created beings who were given a choice to cast their lot with Lucifer or continue in their heavenly angelic ministry to serve God. Those two Old Testament references are Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:11-19. Revelation 12:4 indicates that Satan, formerly Lucifer, took 1/3 of the angelic realm with him.

When you read Job 1 and 2 you'll learn that Satan could do evil against Job, but he could not take his life. He could not kill him at will. Satan is a liar. He lies! He's a killer! He kills when he is allowed to do so. He is a hater, not a lover. He hates all but himself.

In this angelic conflict, in the eternal battle between good (God) and evil (Satan) he would kill every human being alive in the world today. But thank the Lord, God, the Father, is sovereign and He alone is the giver of life and the ruler of death. You and I are alive today because He, God, wants us to be alive. It's His will. We who are the recipients of this gift of life would be wise to give Him our thanks and praise.

Of all the people who have this gift of physical life, who are the prime targets of Satan's death list? That's an easy question. The answer is - the Jewish people. And the reason is, God has made hundreds of promises to the human race that there would someday be a wonderful period of peace, tranquility and bliss. This period, called the Millennium (Latin for 1,000) is spelled out in Revelation 20:2-7.

Involved in these hundreds of promises is first of all His Son, Jesus Christ. He is the premier figure. He will be the King, the Lord of Lords who will rule. It is His rule, His control, His laws that will produce this time of maximum peace.

Also involved in these promises, were and are, the Jewish people. God used them to provide the human channel through which the Savior King would be born. And when Jesus rules in this golden age of peace, when He rules during this 1,000 years, this Millennium, He will be known as Jesus, The King of the Jews and He will sit on King David's throne in the City of Jerusalem. Sounds like a Jew to me! No wonder the Devil hates the Jews! No wonder he's the big chief of the anti-Semites. Just make sure you're not part of his tribe (in more ways than one.)

As I've said before, the Devil possesses none of the attributes of God. God is omnipotent, He's all powerful. Satan is not. He's limited and God alone has set his limits. God is omni-present, there is no place He is not, unless He chooses not to be someplace, like in the heart of an unbeliever. Satan, on the other hand, can only go where God allows him to go. And, of course, God is omniscient. He knows all there is to know. But not the Devil. He has to learn as he goes along.

For instance, when those two million plus Jewish people walked away from Pharaoh and his slave keepers, when they walked out of camp with their alive "first born" and all of the borrowed loot God told them to ask for, don't you know that he, the Devil, slipped up to old Pharaoh and whispered, "You idiot! Why did you let them go? Don't you know they'll be a burr in your camel saddle the rest of your life? Saddle up, call out the chariots and go get em'...kill em' all."

Satan for sure thought this was going to be the last of his nemesis! When he saw those Jews trapped by the sea, the mountains and the Egyptian army, he had no idea that he was going to see the most phenomenal sight he'd ever seen. He had no idea what God was going to do. God said to Moses, "Lift up your rod, stretch your hand over the sea and divide it!" Moses did what God commanded and the sea divided. Satan had to watch this whole thing unfold right before his eyes (if he has eyes).

That day on that seashore, God was controlling Moses and Satan was controlling Pharaoh. I love Exodus 14:30 & 31: "Thus the Lord saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the seashore."
"And Israel saw that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the Lord and believed the Lord and His servant Moses."

From there, from that place along the Red Sea, God led them, not northeast but south! South into the desert. There are two reasons for this desert journey. One is, had they gone to the northeast, they would have marched right into one enemy territory after another. And, as a young race of people, not even an organized nation, they were not ready. And two, God wanted them to learn and grow by the tests that He would send them. And so, the bitter water, the no water and other negative experiences. Forty years of wilderness journey. Had they gone to the northeast, it would have been about 50 miles to the borders of the Promised Land - two or three day's journey. Instead, it took them 40 years. You can be sure during that 40 years they came close to total defeat on many occasions - some of their own doings, others, efforts by Satan to wipe them out.

Little by little as you red through the Old Testament, the target narrows down. First it's all the Jews, then it's the Tribe of Judah and then It's David and then the family of David, in particular the line that flowed through his son, Solomon.

This is Saturday morning, December 30, 2006. Yesterday one of Israel's greatest enemies died on the gallows! Oh, to be sure, there are more hateful, evil, vile anti-Semites lined up to take his place. Probably the next in line is President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.

More next time. Until then, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Bro. Bob

Friday, December 01, 2006

Focus Point # 10

How shallow we Americans are, who profess to be Christians, when it comes to the current war on terror and our application of the Word of God and these current events. We get most of our information and viewpoints from people who don't even recognize the Bible as a source of information.

We ought to hold the Word of God as the only reliable source of truth and judge world events by what God says. Instead we look at events through the eyes of the Democrat or Republican party. Just imagine, born again people, Christians, if you will, rejecting, or worse, not even knowing the Word of God and listening to...get this...politicians! Or, if that's not bad enough, just imagine Christians getting their world view from such sources as ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and Rosie (what's her name?)
or Oprah.

I'm sure there are many Christians who profess to be Bible believers who rarely think of Bible prophecy until some skirmish breaks out between Israel and some radical faction in the Arab world. Even then, if it doesn't make the evening news, it's not relevant. Just look at what's happened to the war on terror. The last political campaign, along with mainstream media and the very intelligent, elite academia, no longer treat terrorism as a world wide struggle against godless, evil forces. Now it's just a difference of opinion between the Democrats and the Republicans! You get the impression that 9-11-01 was just a single incident that accidentally happened because of a weakness in our own covert intelligence agencies. It wasn't the terrorists' fault. It was OUR fault for not preventing it. Duh! How dumb is that? In this last election, to hear some of the politicians, you get the idea that terrorism is just a condition that exists to help us determine how to vote or whom to vote for! But I remind you again, the world is in a terrorism mode and it won't be solved in a voting booth.

The world is on terrorism alert, or at least it should be. This battle is and always has been focused on the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. Now I realize as much as anyone that George Bush or any other leader cannot take a platform and identify this whole situation as a spiritual conflict between God and Satan. Every newspaper and major network would label them as the biggest nut case on earth. I seem to recall that President Bush just threw out a hint referring to Armageddon and the media response was shock, shock, shock! You talk prophecy to the Press and they don't know what to say or print. Why expect anything else from them? The world system doesn't believe in divine creation! What makes you think they would give divine prophecy the slightest possibility? They don't believe in the angelic conflict or in prophecy that deals with Satan's goal to destroy the Jewish race.

I remember playing golf some years ago with some preacher friends. Now remember, this was years ago. We were discussing the world events going on at that time which involved...what else? Israel and the one of many wars they faced with the Arabs. One of the guys standing over his golf ball on the green said, "I think God is no more interested in Israel than He is in this putt I'm about to make!" I knew he was not speaking of the individual souls of the Jewish people, but the people, the nation. That may be what Oprah or Rosie think, but that's not what God thinks. That may be what Ted Turner thinks and that may be what a lot of seminary professors believe, but that's not what God's Word teaches. Look at what God's prophet Zechariah wrote in his Book, 12:2-3: "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."

Many hold that that time, that circumstance has already happened. Well, you might just glance over those verses and conclude, "Man, that's already happened so many times to Israel, it's just another skirmish or another border war." To a degree that observation is true, but when you really look at what God says through this Prophet and you read the last part where it says, "Though ALL the people of the earth shall be gathered against it" - that circumstance or condition has never yet come to pass. Someday Satan will lead the WOLE WORLD to war with God's chosen ones.

Did you know that the subject of Israel and Jerusalem has taken up more time in the League of Nations (now defunct) and the United Nations (also now defunct) than any other part of the world? Indeed, Jerusalem is a cup of trembling! I've read that more than 60,000 - and that's a 6 with 4 zeros, more than 60,000 votes have been cast in the UN...ALL against Israel! Russia hates Israel! China hates Israel! Europe hates Israel! And even hundreds of thousands of Americans question and oppose the pro-Israeli stance. The Democratic Party has not been, at least in recent years, the strong supporters of Israel as is the Republican Party. The last time I checked, far more Jews vote Democratic than they vote Republican. That, to me, is not only a negative reflection of Jewish people voting against their own nation, but it's also a poor, anti-biblical stand for the Democrats to hold.

Just remember what God said to Abraham, "I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee!"

Until next time,
Bro. Bob

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Focus Point # 9

It didn't take long for Satan to recognize God's next move. God moved in a man who lived in....Yep, the Ur of the Chaldese. That had to be about the last place on earth to find a man of faith, a spiritual leader, the father of the Jewish race. A new race of people! Up until Abraham everybody was Gentile, including Abraham himself. One day he woke up as a Gentile and that same night he went to bed as a Jew! What brought about that miracle change? One word: FAITH!

Now remember, faith, as far as God is concerned, is non-meritorious. All people are born with faith. It's a part of our everyday life. We express faith in the food we eat, the medicine we take, in the drivers of the "other car," in the airplanes we ride and we express faith that either there is a God or there is not a God. Evolutionists believe in the "Big Bang." Creationists believe in "intelligent design." All of us have faith. No one will be rewarded because he has faith.

When God, in a very wicked, evil and perverse environment revealed Himself and His will to Abram, Abram said, "I believe you Lord, I'll do your will." God counted, or reckoned that faith as righteousness and right there on that day Abraham became a man that pleased God. And on that day he became the one God would use to be the father of the Jewish race. (Read Romans chapter 4)

If Satan had any question as to who his target should be, that question was answered loud and clear when God appeared to Abraham, recorded in Genesis 12:1 - 4a. Seven promises:

ONE.........A land - Verse 1
TWO........A great nation - Verse 2
THREE.....God's very own blessing - Verse 2
FOUR......A great name - Verse 2
FIVE........A blessing to others - Verse 2
SIX..........A blessing to those who bless him (and his Seed) and a curse to those
who curse him (again, his Seed)
SEVEN.....And in Thee (the coming Lord Jesus) shall all the families of the earth
be blessed.

Satan probably had a much greater insight to these promises than Abraham. Certainly Satan had some clue about the "Seed" of Abraham and the Seed of the women in Genesis 3:15. He's no dummy!

There's not a shadow of doubt in my mind that all through the Old Testament anti-Semitism is satanic and evil. But one of the most interesting things about this divine revelation to Abraham was the fact that anyone, any person or even any nation that curses Israel will be cursed by God Himself. And believe you me, there are many nations who have taken an active roll in cursing Israel who have yet to experience the curse of God. As that great preacher R. G. Lee preached so many times, "Payday Someday" - every nation will be cursed. when? I don't know the date, but the literal seven years of Tribulation, I think, will be the time!

But back to the Old Testament. The life of Abraham was the birth and infant stage of the Jewish people. All during those forming years they were more or less nomads with no land or no borders. The experiences of Abraham were tests from God rather than temptations from Satan. Tests from God are circumstances and experiences God wants us to have to help us to grow and mature. Temptations from Satan are things he (Satan) puts before us to get us to fail and loose.

As you read through Genesis you read of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and of course Esau. The conflicts between Jacob and his kids and Esau and his kids set the stage for the conflicts that still exist today. Israel was a nomad race of people and were until Joseph was sold into slavery and became the Prime Minister of Egypt. After Joseph is gone a Pharaoh arises who "Knew not Joseph" and the Jews are held in bondage.

Their numbers were growing under the care and protection of the Egyptians. What better protected place for God to put them until their numbers swell into the millions! True, they were slaves, but that was the protection God used to keep them from being wiped out by other nations.

Satan saw a chance to wipe them out - once and for all! In slavery they were multiplying like crazy so the Pharaoh said, "If we get into a war, the Jews are numerically strong enough to join with the opposition. So we will weaken them slowly into extinction with a massive abortion campaign." (Exodus chapter one).
Pharaoh told the midwives to kill all the male babies at birth. That's when Moses became a "basket case" and his mother floated him up the Nile. Moses was found, of course, by Pharaoh's daughter.

Well, Satan is thwarted again. But you know him and you know he will never give up! Was the intense hatred for the Jew born in the hearts of Islam? No, no, a thousand times no! It's satanic - and let that be a warning to all of us. Anti-Semitism is an evil act against the divine will of God.....period!

Bro. Bob

Friday, October 13, 2006

Focus Point # 8

Don't forget, one of the most important things to remember about the Devil....he is very powerful, intelligent and he's very cunning. And just because he is all those things and more, don't give him too much credit. He has none of the attributes that God has. God is sovereign and omnipotent. God is omnipresent and omniscient. He is all powerful, all knowing and there is no place He is NOT!

When Satan's demons left their first estate and set out to destroy the God consciousness passed on to every child born in Adam's race, they did not know that every one of those fallen angels would be destroyed and sent to an eternal place of death and destruction. And that they were!

Just what did happen to those human beings who did not get on the Ark with Noah and his family? All of those human beings, and including those women who gave themselves in sexual intercourse with those demons, along with the children (giants) born out of that illicit relationship were sent to "The place of torments".... and that's where those souls are to this day! But not those demons. They were sent to a place called in the Greek language, "Tartarus." II Peter 2:4 "Cast them into Hell." Hell here is not Hades but Tartarus. This same issue is dealt with in Jude, verse 5. Only there it says these "angels" (fallen) are in everlasting chains unto darkness and unto judgment."

Had Satan had the slightest idea that he was going to suffer such a terrible defeat he'd have never tried that stupid trick! Satan knew he'd never try that again. But Noah and the whole human race that followed him didn't know. That is, not until God said He'd never destroy the earth with water again. That covenant was and is sealed in the form of the rainbow.

I don't know how long ago God created Lucifer, who became Satan. I do know Lucifer existed as the Angel of Light long before this world, or if you will, the universe was created. And I do know that when Lucifer even thought, even had the slightest idea that he should be equal with God, that's when he and 1/3 of the angelic beings who decided that Lucifer was right and God was wrong, that's when they were cast out of Heaven. And I believe they made their new headquarters...
earth! Rev. 12:3,4.

So, did that great defeat suffered by Satan and his demon force make them quit the battle? No way!

I think in the early sixties, Hal Lindsay wrote his famous book, "Satan Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth." He is and he has been, lo these thousands of years.

Satan couldn't destroy the human race, so he took another tack! Organize and unify. If you'll just quickly glance through Gen. 11, you'll notice in verses 5, 10, 19, 10, 15, 30, 31 and 32 where it says "These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations, and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood." And you get the idea that this arrangement was okay with God. Until - and here's the devil's next shot...organize and unify and our international union will be expressed in one place! Let us build a city and a tower whose top....Heaven! The two words "will reach" are not in the original Hebrew. It literally says "whose top-Heaven. Under Satan's influence they were going to create their own Heaven! You know the story well. God confused them with a confusion of communications. They couldn't understand one another. So when the foreman said, "Put those bricks here" - they thought he said "Get lost" and that's what they did. They got out, in all directions.

Now the next thing you'll notice in chapter 11 of Genesis is in verse 10. These are the records of the generations of Shem. Ah ha! The Shemites. If you'll skim over chapter eleven until you get to verse 26 you'll find Satan's next target. Bingo!
Abraham, or Abram.

Until we chat again,


Bro. Bob

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Focus Point # 7

How many times have the Jews and Arabs "gotten into it?" Who knows? I know I don't, nor do I believe any other human being knows. They've "mixed it up" so many times that I think the general attitude is, "Well, here they go again." They are like two kids constantly fighting and bickering, blaming each other. "You started it." "I did not, you did."

Well, for now, for the present, things seem to be settling down. So let's go back to Genesis and disobedient Cain killing his obedient brother, Abel. Cain, you'll remember, was sent off and away from the Adam and Eve family that was going to produce the Seed that would eventually strike a fatal blow to Satan and his seed. Cain thought for sure some other member of the family would retaliate and knock him off. But God said, "No, that won't happen. But you will move to a new location." And so he did. So the Adam and Eve blood line that would eventually produce the Seed of the woman would continue on.

Incidentally, the most unusual thing about that verse, Gen. 3:15, is that phrase "The Seed of the woman." The woman was rarely, if ever, spoken of as the one who would produce "the seed." In this case the prophecy was right on! It would not be the seed of the father because there was no earthly father. Jesus, the Seed, masculine, singular was virgin born.

Well, again back to Genesis. Satan found out that his plan to nullify that Gen. 3:15 prophecy went "in the tank!" That one-at-a-time plan would never do it. So his next plan was to attack the WHOLE HUMAN RACE!

No doubt, when some of you read what I'm about to tell you, you'll write me off as a real nut case. But let me assure you, my view is held by many very reliable and intelligent Bible scholars. I'm referring to the conditions and circumstances in Genesis chapter 6 that led up to the Flood. I believe some of the fallen angels that were expelled from Heaven, along with Lucifer who became Satan, left that angelic state, became demons and infiltrated the human race in the form of human beings and sexually molested some of the women. The result was they produced almost a super human being called in the Bible "giants." These beings were born, not in the line of Adam, but in the line of Satan himself. Thus, they had no God consciousness which every human being possesses, born of a natural birth.

If Satan could produce a being not out of the Adam and Eve relationship, he would then be successful in nullifying the Gen. 3:15 promise of the "Seed of the woman."

God's answer to that evil, vile demonic attack was that wonderful word we call GRACE. Gen. 6:8, "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." So God told Noah to start building an Ark. Build a big boat because someday it would start to rain, which had never happened before. Along with that, He told Noah the Flood would not come for 120 years. God, through Noah, invited folks to go on the boat ride of all boat rides. But they all refused! Reason? They liked the giants! They were big, strong, handsome kids. Parents and grandparents alike were blown away by these new specimens. Remember, this went on for 120 years. And the longer it went, the better they liked it. That was the evil part. The human race became so evil and wicked, that God stepped in, sent the Flood and destroyed?... no, God didn't destroy the human race....HE SAVED IT to again preserve His promised Seed (masculine singular).

I would imagine some will object to these fallen angels, demons who "left their first estate" found in Jude, verse 6, and you'll quote Matt. 22:29-30. "Jesus answered and said unto them, you do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor or given in marriage, but are like the angels of God IN HEAVEN." But whatever you do, don't leave out those two words in verse 30, "in Heaven." These fallen angels were NOT IN HEAVEN, they were on the earth.

One more thing about the days of Noah, Mat. 24:36-38. Just look what they were doing, would you! They were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. Business as usual. I've done those things, eat, drink, marry, given in marriage and so have you. God didn't send the Flood because of the eating and drinking. The problem was the marrying and the giving their children in marriage. They were fascinated with that giant business! They showed total apathy - "We don't care what God thinks." Now that's 2006 for sure. And it will be again just prior to the Second Advent when Jesus returns as the King of Israel. With all of the wars, death and sufferings during the Great will be total apathy.

So, Satan was foiled again. He tried to destroy the human race BUT GOD saved it and preserved that ROYAL LINE for the coming King.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Focus Point #6

Well, the bombings and killings in Northern Israel and southern Lebanon seem to be subsiding. Maybe the conflicts between Israel and Hezballah seem to be over. I don't think so!! While it may be quiet in the North, it's not quiet in the South. Israel and Hamas are still at it. Things have quieted down, and for that we should be very grateful. I know the folks on the exploding end of those bombs are grateful.

But, as peaceful as things may seem, believe me, it's only temporary. The angelic conflict, the battle between God and Satan will not be over until Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire. These two forces, or powers, will never, never set down to negotiate or dialogue toward some peaceful settlement. No way!!

One of the things we should keep in mind is, of all the attributes of God - who He is and what He's like - Satan has NONE of the same qualities. Not one! I mentioned some of those attributes in the first "Missle" I'll mention 3 more, just to give you a little background:

GOD IS OMNIPRESENT - There is no place where He is not (except in the souls of the unsaved or in the Lake of Fire). Satan is NOT omni-present. He is a person, a spirit being. He has demons, to be sure, but he is limited to being in one place at a time. I think he must spend a lot of time in San Francisco and Washington D.C. (Only kidding!).

GOD IS OMNISCIENT - God knows everything. He knows all things - all things past, present and future. Satan knows the past and he knows a lot of things in the present. Not all, but a whole lot. He knows the future, but only what he reads in the Bible, the Word of God. And it's here that I want to apply the angelic conflict.

Satan didn't know that God was going to create human beings until he saw it happen in the Garden of Eden. He didn't know that Eve would fall for his lies, until she did! He didn't know that Adam would willingly listen to Eve when he found out that she listened to the devil and disobeyed God, and for that disobedience, be cast out of the Garden. But Adam had that choice to make - so he did.
And when God, speaking directly to him (Satan) in Gen. 3:14 and 15 said
"And the Lord God said unto the serpent, because thou hast done this,
thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon
thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy
seed and her seed; he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise
His heel."
When God said in verse 15 "Between your seed and her seed" - the "seed of the woman" is masculine singular, referring, of course, to the Son of Mary. We know that, but Adam didn't and Eve didn't and neither did Satan!

So to try to stop that promise from taking place, Satan thought maybe the seed was one of their kids - like maybe Abel. Abel was an obedient, God honoring, God worshiping young man. So Satan thought "I'll kill him, because he might be the seed that will destroy my seed." So he used a kid that didn't obey and didn't honor God - Cain. Cain, under the evil controlling influence of Satan slit his brother Abel's throat.

But Abel wasn't who God was referring to way back there in the beginning.
The seed, Masculine, singular, was none other than Jesus Christ.

Satan didn't know "That Seed" was going to come out of the family of Abraham, the father of the Jewish race, a brand new race. So he then tried to destroy Abraham's family...and so on. He didn't find out that this precious Seed would be born of a virgin. Satan got that information from Isaiah. God told Isaiah to write it down. And when He did, Satan read it.
Isaiah 7:14 "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, the virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
Isaiah 9:6-7 "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counselor, The Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
"Of the increase in His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with justice and with righteousness from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord WILL perform this."

So, all that's in the Word of God - Satan knows. He is still trying to keep God from carrying out His Word - trying to keep Jesus from coming again the second time, and trying to keep Him from sitting on the Throne of David and ruling the whole world. Satan will do anything he can to stop what's going to be happening; things that Isaiah wrote about in chapter 11. (Read Isaiah, chapter 11)

He will do anything he can to make God out to be a helpless liar. That's why the Jews are always and ever his constant target and the radical element of the Muslim world (1.2 billion of them) are the most usable weapons he has going for him.


Bro. Bob

Focus Point #5

I remind you again, the war on terrorism is a spiritual conflict and the major players are God and Satan.

Where did it all begin? Well, this will sound like science fiction or star wars to some, but believe me, it's straight from scripture. Isaiah 14:12-17 describes the fall of Satan. In this passage he's identified as "Lucifer" which means "Day Star." Imagine, a star so bright you could see it in the daytime. Pride led Lucifer to declare that his intentions were to exalt himself above God! (Note the 5 "I wills" in
verses 13 & 14) and note his future in verse 15.

Another key passage is Ezekiel 28:11-19. It's too long for me to comment on these truths, but you'll notice some vivid descriptions of Satan's at one time beauty and power (vrs. 12-15). The passage also refers to a king from Tyre, a big time king in early Bible days. But there is more in the passage about the devil than about the king. There is a principle of Bible interpretation called "double reference" where the writer, under the influence and direction of God, the Holy Spirit, would write about a human being or circumstance in a familiar place or time in history, and at the same time make reference to the Person of Christ and an event, or events, in the affairs of His Kingdom. So while Ezekiel wrote briefly of the King of Tyre, he wrote extensively of the enemy of God in the angelic conflict...Satan!

Just so you'll know where this conflict started and where it will end, take note of the three major falls of Satan:

Fall #1 - Lucifer is expelled from his exalted place in Heaven. Isa. 14:12-17.
This happened before the earth's time clock started to run, before
weeks, months and years.
Fall #2 - Rev. 12:7-12 this will occur in the middle of the 7 year Tribulation period.
Note verse 12 that says he has a short time left to vent his wrath 42 months
or 3 and a half years. This second fall means he will have no more
access to Heaven to accuse Christians before God. (Remember Job
chapter one). Yes, Satan accuses believers - even today, so keep
your nose clean!
Fall #3 - The final curtain! Rev. 20:1-10. After the 1,000 year period called the
Millennium, there are 6 references to this time period, after this rule and
reign of Christ, he, Satan, will be cast into the Lake of Fire - forever
and ever.

So, there you have the future events that will conclude the angelic conflict. Does Satan know his future? Yes! He's smarter than we are. Not only can he read the Bible, but he and his demons know more about God than we know. James 2:19 says, "The demons also believe and tremble." This is not a believing faith, it's a believing because they were once in Heaven themselves. They saw that throne. Sure, they believed and they know their future. They have eternal INSECURITY!

One more point while I'm on a roll. If Satan and his demons know their future and ultimate defeat and destination, why do they continue to oppose God and His promise to exalt His Son, the Lord Jesus? Here it is folks, here's the answer:
They can do nothing else! It's their nature, it's what and who they are. They are forever evil, the essence of hatred, sin and darkness.

And so, the battlefield is in the hearts of men and women who walk this earth. Those people of years past, those of us today and those who will be alive after we've gone. A good model for us was Joshua - "For me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Bro. Bob

Focus Point #4

Thursday morning, August 17, I watched Rick Warren, A guest on "Fox & Friends." A good interview about his efforts to bring together a possible solution to many of the conflicts going on in the world. Although he did not mention the Hezbollah or Hamas, he did mention AlQuaeda. His efforts are directed to government, commercial and the religious groups in these various parts of the world. If, according to his programs, these three groups can be brought together, they could counter the ideas and goals of the terrorists with peaceful solutions and ideals.

Just prior to watching that program, I watched an interview of a well educated and peace seeking Muslim from England. His slant was that the immoral and unethical actions of the United States, Great Britain and Israel must stop. To listen to those two interviews one would think that both sides are looking in the same direction for the ultimate solution. Their efforts would be well and good, but both should be reminded that this terrorist action did not begin with the USA, England, or for that matter, Israel. This conflict started long before the USA or Great Britain ever existed. And, yes, long, long before the Muslims came on the scene.

There is little doubt in my mind, looking at it all objectively, that terrorism is satanic. The devil is the father of lies. He is deceitful and a murderer. Again looking at it objectively, I believe Israel, the United States and England as well as others, these entities are not evil.

I believe, left alone, Israel would not start or even provoke a war against any of their Arab neighbors. These are evil forces in the world, motivated and driven by Satan himself. It's his nature to do that. He'd kill every last soul in the world if he could. But he needs to do that through people who will allow him to use them. And wherever there's a vacuum, you can be sure he's there to fill it. Atheistic Communism, Russia, China, North Korea and, yes, Castro's Cuba, along with anti-Christ Islam, gives to Satan millions of, negative to God, hearts and lives through which to work.

I'm not at all suggesting that those who live in the free world are always good and always right. Not at all! Our leaders are often self-centered, self-motivated and far too often strangers to God and His Son, The Lord Jesus. That being so, they (as do we) do wrong and commit evil acts, i.e some of the despicable evil deeds of our men and women serving in the military.

I'm not faulting Rick Warren for trying to do something positive in this world to bring an end to wars and suffering. Good statesmen and peace seeking world leaders have been trying to do that for years and we should applaud and support their efforts.

Looking at it all Subjectively, it's a sad thing to watch a dust covered father carrying the limp body of his young child out of a bombed out, destroyed building. It's a sad sight if it's in TelAviv or Beruit, Haifa or Tyre, London, New York City or Babylon. Life is precious and we should do all we can to protect it.

I'm reminded of the story in the 5th chapter of Mark. The crazy man of Gadara was out of his mind and the only thing they could do for him was to put him in chains.
Is war with bombs and rockets the only choice we have in these conflicts that pop up? No, it's not. But our enemies leave us no other choice. With them it seems to be kill or be killed. And when being killed is an honor and a promotion to them, obviously our choices are between zero and none.

Until next time,

Bro. Bob

Focus Point #3


WHY THE JEW? Why not the Irish or the Italians? Why are the Jews, of all people, called "God's chosen race?" Are they any better than Hitler's so called great Arian ideal? No, even though they were a bunch of nit-wits. No, the Jews are no better than anybody else in this crazy world.

Then why are they God's chosen people? Answer - because God said they were, and are, and will be. And remember, God is sovereign and we have no right to say "Why have you made them so?" Rom. 9:20

It all started with Abram (exalted father) whom we now know as Abraham (father of a multitude). Abram was born and reared in the lowest, filthiest, evil living bunch of sinners in the world. He appeared to Abram and said, "Abram, I am God, will you believe me?" And Abram said, "Yes I will" - (my own imagination) and out of that wicked environment was born, by faith, the race of people called the Jews, or the Israelites. The important part? "By faith." When Abram obeyed God, he left that evil Chaldean area, and as he did, God, our Heavenly Father, made an unconditional, unbreakable covenant with that man of faith. In its beginning form this was the deal: Gen. 12:1,2 & 3

1. You go to a land that I will show you.
2. I will make of you a great nation.
3. I will bless you, make your name great and you shall be a blessing.
4. I will bless all of those who bless you and I will curse all those who curse you
and in you, Abram, your seed (Jesus Christ) shall all of the families of the earth
be blessed.

Mercy! Those are big time, far reaching promises. And just think, they were made to one man who followed God by faith.

You will recall, that promise was passed on down through that miracle race of people through Abraham's son Isaac, and not through his wife's scheme, the son of her hand maiden, Hagar.....Ishmael. That birth was not of faith. It was one of
faith-less-ness. Isaac's birth was a miracle. "Abraham had believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness." (James 2:23)

So - back to the beginning. God made a promise to Abraham that out of him and his seed, the whole world would be blessed. That seed was not Isaac. You have not been blessed because of Isaac, nor of his kids, nor their kids. Not until you get down to the Lord Jesus - born of the seed of Abraham! He's the seed! He's the blessing!
He was...a JEW!

No wonder Satan hates the Jew. No wonder down through the years he has tried to annihilate those people. Not only before the virgin birth, but during his life - and even today. Why? Because Jesus is going to THE King of the Jews!
Satan's constant effort is: If there are no Jews on the earth for Him to rule over, God will have made a promise He will be unable to keep.

So, the spiritual, angelic conflict goes on. That's WHY THE JEWS? and not the African Americans, not the Irish, not the Italians or Hitler's great Arian bunch of air heads.


Bro. Bob

Focus Point #2

Well, here I am again as promised with another focus point that we must keep in mind as we read and study the Word and observe world events.

It is imperative that we keep our eyes on the Lord. I think most of us who are believers love and trust our president. I think he knows the Lord and seeks His guidance every day, but when he made the statement that we would "win the war on terrorism," that might have been the politically correct thing to say, but biblically he's on shaky ground.

What with the millions of Muslims (hundreds of thousands in every major country in the world) and I realize they are not all radical in their hatred for Israel and America, but when push comes to shove, I have no doubt as to which God they will align themselves with. For sure it won't be Jehovah! They won't even acknowledge He exists. But no big deal. I don't think there is such a being as "Allah" either.

I've often asked myself - what has led up to this (I think) never ending war? In W.W.2 our military defeated Germany and Japan. In Vietnam our military defeated the Viet Cong. Well, they could have if the politicians would have stayed out of it and the same goes for the Korean "conflict."

Those wars ended. We could tell when it was over. But not this one. What city, what country do we invade to destroy this insidious, demonic agenda that says "There is no room on this earth for the Jewish people, they must be destroyed?" Isn't it strange, for the first time in history we have a political system that's based on Atheism? Who? Communist Russia. And for the first time in history we have not one country but many who espouse not Atheism, but a system that's built on and operates as anti-Christ! (I John 2:18; 2:22; 4:3 and II John verse 7)

The war on terrorism is not political, it's spiritual. And the major combatants are not Israel versus Hamas and Hezbolla. It's not Iran versus the USA. It's a spiritual conflict. It's God versus Satan himself! That's why Paul says we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Our enemy is evil - it's Satan and his demon army. And our weapons are not physical. We won't win this (no, not never) with rockets, guns or any other new invention. Our only hope of victory is our Hero, our Champion, our One and Only Celebrity....our precious, victorious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

It should be then, no surprise for us to observe the insidious "bed partners" - atheistic Communist Russia and anti-Christ Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan and every other nook and cranny Islamic cell blocks around the world.

Until the next time.


Bro. Bob

Focus Point #1

I surf the channels often. I think we have 7 or 8 that deal with the gospel and religions. I can't believe (obviously) some of the radical, unfounded, so called Bible positions some of these people put out. I know everyone has a right to their opinion and method of interpretation, but in my view - all of them I have listened to completely omit some very important facets in this whole Middle East crises.
I'd like to comment on several. (call them shooting off one or two missiles).

The FIRST is....Let's never forget the attributes of God. I'll not apply all of them, but several come to my mind as I think they should to every Bible believer.

ONE - God is SOVEREIGN. Every life and every day is in His constant, absolute
control. And I do mean EVERY life.

TWO - God is LOVE. He loves every saint and He loves every sinner. Every born
again believer and every follower of the radical Muslim terrorists.

THREE: In His sovereign love, He allows every human being a free will,
either to do HIS will or not to do His will. Obviously, we are watching
literally millions of Muslims getting up each day wondering how they
can destroy God's chosen people, the Jew.

FOUR: God is IMMUTABLE. He can NOT change. Every attribute and every
prophecy He has ever made will forever be carried out and be
completed. Isa. 49:13-16.

Now - along with these and other attributes that I have not mentioned (you probably
have my note on that) I remind you of the great Angelic conflict that has been an on-going battle since before the creation. God and Satan are in constant conflict. I believe that's true in every life, and in every sovereign nation.

God has made scores of prophecies concerning His Son. Some have been fulfilled in every detail. Those that have not been fulfilled WILL BE fulfilled in every detail.
ONE...and I'll only mention one at this time, is found in Isa. 9:6&7. In those two verses there are 15 promises. Some have already come to pass. Two, to be specific. That leaves 13 to go! And it is imperative that the believer believe this.

The conflict between God and Satan is this: If Satan can thwart, change or prevent any of God's promises, then he (Satan) can prove God to be a liar and prove Him NOT to be sovereign.

Is that what this war in the Middle East is about? Emphatically ....YES! This is what every war everywhere is about. Is this war a pre curser to the Battle of Armageddon? No, I don't think so because that doesn't come until the end of the Tribulation (7 years) and we don't and can't know when that will begin. But more on that next time.

Blessings on you,

Bro. Bob